







世界大戦がはじまる !

かつて 繁栄した 文明諸国は 崩壊し 衰えて

滅亡寸前 !


金融腐敗 と 大学崩壊(法人化の失敗)



      軍隊にだけ 夢があった !  世紀 ・・・・・


  軍隊 の 軍事行動  


 その行動に うらみをもっている  地球環境市民連盟 の 同志メンバーたちの

   平和政治集会 の 光景


       軍隊批判    戦争批判 ・・・・


    みんなで 軍事集会を 潰しにいこう !

   決起 おーおー!



    軍事集会 の 広場

  リッチスマイル 部隊



 ラジオ体操 第二


体操イレギュラー 予算1



寒い 朝風


       放送委員会  と 集会委員会  


     朝礼台 マイク

    えー みなさん おはようございます



        そして  白湯の効能



         焚き火 と 自然食



              夜は 鍋料理

    4人前 予算 90円


         毎日  本を 読みましょう


きおつけ やすめ きよつけ  礼


     次の 集会は 午前10時15分より900秒

 それでは 回れ右



    次の朝礼では どんな ・・・



      大佐 ありがとうごいました !


Sir  !


  駆け足 駆け足  駆けりなさい

    省エネ 省エネ

 run 走れー !


     空撮 全体


地球環境市民連盟 の 抗議活動 その推進計画


      環境アセスメント に 新たな法整備を実施しましょう

         軍事集会規制法 を 制定しましょう



        世界平和環境維持法 の 制定のために

    環境治安維持 の ために




 強烈な ガラス張りの高層ビル

shine !!!!




 ここに 完成 

   これが 医師会だ!


            強烈なる hyper cool


        その本部に  もどってくる 荒くれ者

     荒野 世界の戦場から


 ボロボロの 格好で 薄汚い  浮浪者のような 大男

    X    登場  !


                エレベーター 487階 へ

   制御する オペレーター





君は 医師会を理解していないのか

君は 医師会から脱退しなさい

      医師会は君のような ならず者は お断りないんだよ






 + 資格費用



         国際秩序 の 邪魔なんだよ

             難民に飯くわせてもらえ  流浪人


        酒場に 到着する X

酒場で 討論激化


 おとなしく 飲んでいるのは X だけ


    X の ヘヴィーsmokerぶり





             いろんな世界 の 交差


         登場の 逆光









若さlife IEYEI i i

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Nexus 7.<br>
Made for<br>
what matters.
Introducing the all-new 7"<br>
tablet from Google.
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The new 7" tablet from Google
Powerful, portable and made for what matters to you.
Now thinner, lighter, and faster - Nexus 7 brings you the perfect mix of power
and portability and features the world’s sharpest 7" tablet screen - putting over
2.3 million pixels in the palm of your hand.
With 323 pixels packed into every inch, you can read text that’s sharper than the
printed page, see images more vivid than the highest quality photo magazine, and
watch videos come to life in vibrant 1080p HD.
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<a class="btn scroll-btn" data-scroll-target="buy-nexus-7" href="">Buy now</a>
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from $229
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<span>Everything you care about,</span> <em>everywhere<br>
you go.</em>
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Grab-and-go greatness
Lighter than ever, lasts longer.
The clean, simple design features a slim body, a thin bezel and a soft-touch,
matte back. So it sits comfortably in the palm of your hand while the bright,
beautiful 7" display brings your entertainment to life.
At just 0.64lbs (290g), the all-new Nexus 7 is light enough to take anywhere and
fits easily in bags, backpacks, and even back-pockets. With up to 9 hours of HD
video playback and 10 hours of web browsing or e-reading, there's plenty of juice
to get you through the day, and built-in wireless charging means you can charge,
grab, and go.
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<span>Endless entertainment,</span> <em>endless<br>
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The sharpest 7" tablet screen ever
Eye-popping performance and sound that surrounds.
Nexus 7 is great for gaming, and with favorites like Prince of Persia and Riptide
GP 2, you can tilt, tap, and touch your way to the top. The brand new Play Games
app lets you track your achievements, play with (or against) gamers around the
world, and discover new exciting games. And with an ever-expanding number of
tablet-optimized apps, you’ll find all the apps you love and love the many new
apps you’ll find.
Not into gaming? Kick back with the world's largest collection of eBooks, listen
to streaming radio and millions of songs, and immerse yourself in thousands of
movies and TV shows on Google Play. And with surround sound powered by
Fraunhofer* (the MP3 inventors), your movies and games will sound as good as they
</p><small>* Fraunhofer Cingo™ mobile audio technology. <a class="text-btn" href=
"http://www.fraunhofer-cingo.com">Learn more</a></small>
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<span>Powered by Android,</span> <em>made for<br>
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Powered by Android
Fast, fun and made to share
Nexus 7 comes with the latest version of the world's most popular mobile
operating system, so it's fast, fun, and easy to make your own.
Share your tablet with friends and family - each person has a separate
customizable space, including personal homescreens, wallpaper, apps, storage, and
more. You can also manage access to apps and content to create an experience
that’s appropriate for each member of the family.
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<span>Serious hardware,</span> <em>total power.</em>
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Technical Specifications
All the power and speed you need.
Nexus 7 is made by ASUS and packs a serious punch. With a quad-core Qualcomm
Snapdragon™ S4 Pro processor and 2GB of RAM, everything runs faster. Plus,
high-performance rendering ensures 3D graphics are smooth and dynamic.
With dual-band Wi-Fi and optional 4G LTE, including support for hundreds of
networks worldwide, you'll stay entertained - and connected - wherever you
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Nexus 7
<li class="heading">Screen
<ul class="content">
<li>7.02" 1920x1200 HD display (323 ppi)
<li>1080p HD IPS
<li>Scratch resistant Corning® glass
<li class="heading">Cameras
<ul class="content">
<li>1.2MP front facing, fixed focus
<li>5MP rear facing, auto focus
<li class="heading">Dimensions
<ul class="content">
<li>114 x 200 x 8.65 mm
<li>0.64lbs (290g) Wi-Fi, 0.66lbs (299g) LTE
<li class="heading">Battery
<ul class="content">
<li>3950 mAh
<li>Up to 9 hours active use
<li>Wireless charging built-in (Qi compatible)
<li class="heading">Audio
<ul class="content">
<li>Stereo speakers
<li>Surround sound, powered by Fraunhofer
<li class="heading">Processing
<ul class="content">
<li>CPU: Qualcomm Snapdragon S4 Pro, 1.5GHz
<li>GPU: Adreno 320, 400MHz
<li class="heading">Wireless
<ul class="content">
<li>Dual-band Wi-Fi (2.4G/5G) 802.11 a/b/g/n
<li>NFC (Android Beam)
<li>Bluetooth 4.0
<li class="heading">Networks
<ul class="content">
<li>Optional 4G LTE
<li>North America:
<li>GSM: 850/900/1800/1900 MHz
<li>HSPA+: 850/900/1900/1700/2100 (AWS) MHz (Bands: 1/2/4/5/8)
<li>LTE: 700/750/850/1700/1800/1900/2100 MHZ (Bands: 1/2/3/4/5/13/17)
<li>GSM: 850/900/1800/1900 MHz
<li>HSPA+: 850/900/1900/1700/2100 (AWS) MHz (Bands: 1/2/4/5/8)
<li>LTE: 800/850/1700/1800/1900/2100/2600 MHz (Bands: 1/2/3/4/5/7/20)
<li class="heading">Memory
<ul class="content">
<li>Choose 16GB or 32GB internal storage
<li>2GB RAM
<li class="heading">Ports And Connectors
<ul class="content">
<li>SlimPort™ enabled
<li>3.5mm audio
<li>Power and Volume buttons
<li class="heading">Sensors
<ul class="content">
<li>Ambient Light
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The all-new Google Nexus 7
Google’s powerful, portable tablet comes in three versions:
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